Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Company (:

I chose the Lady Bug because it looks sweet and innocent but when you get on its bad side, it will bite ya! I feel that I have things in common with this insect. Also I chose the colours blue and purple to represent my company because well, for one, they are my favourite colours, and two they look beautifully combined! They look like they also represent harmony, peace, soothing feelings. The main idea for my company, is to make any posters for special events, and we customize any requested card invitations.

You can see movement within this logo, in the wave lines around it. It draws your eyes around the circle, drawing a bit of attention towards the lady bug and the font the wave effect with the lines also give you a flow feeling and soft ribbons. Also the movement within this logo is, as I said quite soothing, I am pretty sure there are no major harsh lines, just nice smooth ones. I think my combined is quite good, not to be conceited. I feel that my colours combine really well, as well with the text and my animal, there is just something about it that makes me feel quite happy.

I must admit there is not a lot of rhythm in my logo, there is probably none at all if there it then I can not point it out. It is probably the text or the lines, or the dots on my lady bug bouncing from one dot to another.

The lady bug on the right side of the page seems pretty heavy, I balanced it out with the text on the left side of the page, my logo is quite simple.

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